Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about how to be proactive in the aging process with Dr. Lynn Anderson.

Lynn is a naturopath, nutritional therapist and pro-aging fitness instructor. Her philosophy is that when we build a strong foundation with the three pillars of health, we are able to age well. The three pillars that we build healthy aging on are nutrition, fitness and sleep. Lynn contends that if one of those is missing then we have built a shaky foundation.

In order to be proactive in the aging process, we need to tune in to what our bodies need in those three key areas. When she speaks of nutrition, she encompasses what we take in not only nutritionally but mentally. Our bodies need nutrients to function and just the same, our minds need to be fed well. The impact of how and what we choose to think is a key component to being proactive in the aging process.

Shifting our perspective to better balance in our thoughts, with regular movement, and good nutrition leads to better living and sleep. As life happens and storms come, that consistent focus on balance helps us to be more flexible which in turn enables graceful aging. Since we start aging from the day we’re born, there’s never a bad time to get these things into balance.

Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for strategies to become more proactive in your aging process.


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