Today on Feminine Roadmap Dr. Katie Nall shares how to build emotional wealth.

Katie believes that while most people live in emotional debt they are not even aware of it. The beauty is that there are things we can do to become aware and gain emotional wealth. One of the ways she encourages emotional wealth is by taking stock of time and energy, self- care and rest, understanding how much we’re giving and receiving in our day to day lives. She reminds listeners that even though we all experience stress, it can be controlled as we take intentional action.

One of the ways she helps people gain emotional wealth is by using the Emotional Freedom Technique. EMT is the practice of tapping, a scientifically proven tool that helps process emotions while tapping on specific points on the face and body. Katie explains how EMT helps people to dissolve their WAFFLES: worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion and stress.

If you find yourself needing help to dissolve your WAFFLES join us. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and get filled up!
RESOURCES: – retreats
Dr. Katie Nall Ted Talk
Shower Blessings- Finding Meditation Time in a Busy Life
The Tapping Solution – Nick Ortner
Music by bensound