Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about getting lean in midlife with Juline Gurney. Juline is a 57 year old mom, grandmother and bikini fitness competitor. Juline shares how she was not always fit and healthy, as a matter of fact she had a wake up call at 38 years old that changed her life. After suffering a stroke, she had to completely rehabilitate for 6 months.

Juline has taken her health journey and created a mission to help other women to change their lives while changing their bodies. She believes that we women can do anything we put our minds to including reclaiming and reshaping our bodies. Even if your goal is not to get on stage in a bikini (spoiler alert – it wasn’t hers either), you can get your body to a place that feels good and right for you.

Juline takes time to debunk midlife fitness myths and to make fitness less intimidating. Whether you are super fit, sort of fit or having a fit – this conversation is for you. Juline’s story, practical advice and strategies are just the tools that can begin (or support) your fitness journey. This is the perfect episode to grab a cuppa something wonderful (think water), a good girlfriend and go take a walk while you listen to this empowering conversation!


IG @getleanwithjuline 

To connect with Juline text: 781-535-4095