As we head into our new year guest Ellen Reed wants to help you build your relentless solution focus. Ellen uses brain science to explain that our brains are wired to look for the negative so that doesn’t mean we’re broken, in fact we’re very normal. The challenge is that problem centric thinking wreaks havoc on our happiness, success, and health. As we habitually focus on our problems, we begin to increase our cortisol, lower our ability to actually overcome our struggles and our self-confidence is heavily impacted. How do we move away from problem centric thinking to solutions? Ellen clarifies that by solution she doesn’t mean complete resolution to your problems, instead seeing solution as any improvement in your current situation whatsoever- a plus one. Ellen explains that the Relentless Solution Focus is a tool that doesn’t turn a blind eye to problems and it’s not about putting on rose-colored glasses. The RSF is about getting to solutions faster! If she can help us learn to switch from problems to solutions in 60 seconds then we can eliminate the cortisol hit that shuts down our brains ability to think clearly. Ellen encourages listeners that even if we’re not wired to do this naturally, we can learn using the Relentless Solution Focus tool. In today’s episode, Ellen shares 2 powerful tools in the process: The Relentless Solution Focus (hint it’s a simple question) and “The Success Log’. The Success Log is a one-minute tool that we can use daily to begin to shift our focus from problems to solutions which boosts our brain by increasing our serotonin and dopamine. It’s a win-win! So grab a cuppa something wonderful and a good friend then start your new year off learning a tool that can change your life and your health in just a few minutes a day!


Music by bensound