Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina reflects on the gifts of 2020 and looks ahead to 2021. We have all had many conversations about how challenging 2020 has been, it has been difficult to get away from that. Gina wants to reflect on the ways that 2020 has actually given us something to be grateful for, learn from, grow into. Reflecting on 2020 as a vehicle of purpose, focus and redirection not just challenge and loss. So much has changed yet some of those changes have brought about much needed reevaluation and redirection. When we reflect on how life “used to be” and we look ahead to the new year, there is much to be gleaned from our experiences collectively and individually, gifts that may still be hidden from us because we haven’t taken the time to find them. In this candid conversation, Gina invites us to pause and give some time to reflect, evaluate, investigate what the year 2020 has actually given to us and use what we find to be more intentional and focused in 2021. One of the key ideas is to not set New Year’s resolutions but to find a word that can become our guiding light for the year. Another key idea is to take what 2020 was, glean our story from it and turn to 2021 with our new story to be written with hope and expectancy. As we wrap up 2020, let’s tap into what we can control, our focus, mindset and perspective and write a new story for 2021. Grab a cuppa something wonderful, a good friend and join Gina for this encouraging reflection on the year that will go down in infamy.


I’m excited to offer you and your tribe my 5-day challenge called, “Breakthrough In A Moment” ($197 value) beginning January 4th.

My gift to you!

Discover 5 Keys

     #1 How to have a Breakthrough in a Moment

     #2 The First step to More Breakthrough

     #3 The #1 mechanism to Breakthrough

     #4 The Key That Unlocks the Door to Greater Freedom

     #5 The Key that Unlocks the Door to More Peace

Music by bensound