Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Mariette Jansen lays out the life of living with a narcissist and how to go from victim to victor. Mariette breaks down the characteristics of a narcissist using real life examples so that we can identify if we are in relationship with a narcissist then break their grip on us. Narcissism survival begins with the awareness that we have lived with a lot of noise on the line, words and actions that have caused us to lose sight of what the truth is, who we are and what our value is. The narcissist will use techniques such as love bombing or gaslighting to put themselves in control of the relationship and they continue to manipulate in order to stay in control. Mariette gives practical tools that will empower a victim of narcissism to begin to break the cycle and break free from the narcissist. She wants us to know that we do deserve better, we do have value, and we are worthy of love and respect. IF you are in relationship with a narcissist or have a friend / family member who is, we highly encourage you to get a ZOOM listening party going and talk about what Mariette is sharing, see where you can begin to break those chains and get healthy in your relationships. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and listen today!


7:28 What makes one a victim of narcissism and what narcissism is

“Narcissists creep into your system, they start to eat you from the inside out and you start to identify yourself with the narcissist because anything you say is stupid, anything you think is ridiculous… you’re this barrel that’s being filled with the ideas of the narcissist.”

13:48 How to handle narcissistic family relationships

“It’s almost like creating a whole scenario of how to keep yourself safe: disengage your emotions, don’t give any personal information and find safe things to do and safe things to distract them from you.”

26:39 How the narcissist infiltrates your family and social circle- how to break it

34:30 Five categories of narcissists

45:51 What gaslighting is and looks like

“If you have a clear connection with who you are then all the input from the other people… you can look at it and just throw it out if it’s not serving your self-respect – the value of yourself.”

54:42 Mariette’s 3 key anchor points

“In a healthy relationship, people are not there to break you, people are there to build you.”

RESOURCES:  To contact Mariette as well as buy her book

Music by bensound