Today on Feminine Roadmap you’re going to be inspired to live an empowered second half because guest, Arlene Krantz, believes you can do anything you want by getting out there and doing it. Arlene is 80 years young and so she knows a thing or two about living life, taking chances and going after what it is that you want in life. Life is a series of seasons, our roles change, our circumstances change, sometimes our relationships or environments change yet Arlene sees all of that as part of the journey we call life. Her mission is to empower women to become women of action in their lives, not waiting for permission but being willing to be brave and bold to step into something new. If you are worried about knowing what to do, Arlene encourages listeners that they only need to know enough to start and what they need to learn will come along the way. Progress over perfection is her mantra- move in the directions of the life you desire, acknowledge who you are and what you’ve accomplished then set a new goal and go after it. All it takes is the very first step to live an empowered second half and then after that the next best step- it’s just like learning to walk, you have to take the steps in order to learn so don’t be afraid, ask for help, find your support tribe and be courageous. For a good start, grab a cuppa something wonderful and listen in on this lively and encouraging conversation.


4:20 Arlene’s back story

“You can do whatever you want, just say yes!”

15:17 Here you are- who are you? What do you want to do?

“Why not make your time right now? When can you stand up for yourself and stand in your power, stand in who you are and who you know you have always wanted to be and have never done it?”

30:51 Rejecting old thought patterns and beliefs

46:01 A journaling exercise to get you started

50:36 3 parting thoughts from Arlene


“The Business Within You: Transform Your Business and Life ” by Arlene Krantz 

Music by bensound