Today on Feminine Roadmap Dr. David Joyette inspires listeners to start fresh with a spring goal reset. Often the topic of goals can be misunderstood or overcomplicated, Dr. David breaks down the essence of what a goal is and how through the course of living your life your goals are accomplished. As we head into the first spring of 2020 and all of the changes the world is going through, this conversation is a simple and encouraging look at how we can take personal responsibility for our lives, attitudes, mindsets and actions to reset our goals. Spring is considered the time to clean our homes, garages, or closets but today we are talking about using spring to reset your goals by evaluating, reassessing and adjusting them to help us stay on course no matter what life brings our way. Sometimes our goals are as simple as how I want to conduct ourselves in conversations or how many steps we want to take before dinner, other times our goals are to get out of debt, buy a house, move to a foreign country. However great or small our goals are, the reset steps are the same and can be easily applied to every goal. If spring has found you ready for a reset then grab a cuppa something wonderful, a good goal setting friend and join in on this empowering conversation.


“We can succeed at success or we can succeed at failure. Let’s succeed at success.”

2:55 Simple steps to reset your goals

13:58 Beginning with mindset and challenge then using visualization

“You must foresee what the expected results are going to be. You must visualize it before it even begins.”

24:55 Legacy living

37:16 Setting goals with family in mind

50:02 Three Key Strategies from Dr. David


 “How to Develop a Wining Self Image: The Psychology of Personal Growth and Development”  Dr. David Joyette

Music by bensound