Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Shirley Baldwin shares her healthy strategies and tools to learn how to get what you want from your man. Shirley encourages women to let go of their stories, their unrealistic expectations and engage with their men in a way that taps into their natural desire to give and receive love, admiration, acknowledgement and affection. Imagine a relationship where there are no grudges, ice wars, resentment but instead there is a solid middle ground of love and acceptance where you and your man meet to build the relationship you both really desire. Shirley believes that when we communicate with genuine, loving honesty and integrity (no manipulations!) consistently then you will truly begin to get what you want from your man AND you’ll be giving him what he wants too. It’s a win-win! So grab a cuppa something wonderful and a group of girlfriends, click play and learn some powerful strategies to get what you want from your man.


“Just a few relationship skills can change everything for you.”

5:16 How Shirley learned valuable lessons from 3 failed marriages

12:24 The power of understanding our differences

18:12 Creating vs reacting – The Yin and Yang of masculine and feminine energy

25:16 Switching from getting to giving

37:35 Did you know men have needs too?

50:17 Shirley’s top 3 takeaways


“Get What You Want From Your Man: A Guide to Creating the Relationship You Deserve” Shirley Baldwin

Get What You Want with Shirley Baldwin podcast

Music by bensound