Today on Feminine Roadmap Gina and her guest Josh Levine explore the need for adaptability as workplace culture changes because people are working longer. Recognizing the diversity of ages and experiences of those working together in the modern workplace, Josh shares his passion to impact the way people think about and show up in their workplaces. When we define workplace culture and understand the impact that has on the productivity and satisfaction of employees, we can begin to show up with purpose and intention. Josh stresses the importance of relationship capital, building inter-generational bonds through partnership and cooperation. If you find yourself navigating the new waters of changing workplace culture and expectations, this episode is full of tools to help you to enjoy Mondays again. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and commute with us.

7:20 Setting your intention: What is your purpose? What are you here to do?
16:46 Partnering with those younger than you
23:48 Fostering culture from you sphere of influence
“When you change how you are in a relationship, the relationship changes.”
31:57 6 Components
Purpose is your why, value is your how.”
39:04 What do you want to a part of?
44:23 The value of relationship building
51:31 Josh’s 3 key thoughts

“Great Mondays”  by Josh Levine 
Music by bensound