Today on Feminine Roadmap meet lawyer and certified paleontology enthusiast Elaine Howard as she shares how she found passion in the bones. Elaine shares how she was mired in a life of negativity and by chance bought a fossil in order to prove that it was not real. In her quest she ended up finding passion in the bones, connecting with an amazing, positive community and consequently bringing joy and passion back into her life. Elaine’s message to slowly uncover your passion because it’s never too late will inspire you to go digging for your own passion! Grab a cuppa something wonderful, call a girlfriend and listen in together!

3:03 Journey into Negativity and how it lead to paleontology
8:18 The commitment to paleontology begins- slowly uncovering her passions
12:04 Positivity+ purpose = paleontology
24:26 The role of genuine excitement
28:34 Looking at life like a puzzle and choosing your mindset
38:16 Life is short- find the joy
47:11 Final thoughts
“Passion in the Bones: A Guide to Breaking the Chains of Negativity and Living Your Own Adventures” Elaine Howard
Wyoming Dinosaur Center
Instagram: @dinosaurlaine
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